Sunday, June 26, 2022

the bitterness of love

In a blink of an eye, the horse became War, who looked refreshed without a gray strand in sight, even younger than before.... but of course, the semi-devil was not with him.

Milo hated to ask. He looked to ChaCha, who was happy to see the warrior. 

"It's good to see you," Milo finally extended a hand in friendship. War only smiled and took both his hands.

"You were afraid you would see me, again, weren't you?" His smile was faint. Evidently, in spite of a new youth, he'd almost lost it all.

"What happened?" ChaCha asked as they stood together under the old tree.

"She wanted her home back," War told them. "But, it was too much to ask for." He talked of Rin's home. They'd had to cross the valley of death. As wretched as the trip was, she still managed to suffice. And once she did make it to the palace she summoned those she knew to help restore her power. And since they'd been happy to see her they had obliged.

"She was just like I remembered," he was teary-eyed. Evidently, the feud with her sister was just as it had been. After all, Rin's sister was the queen.

Milo squinted trying to make sense of it all. How could someone like War love such a hateful winch? Well, it was on the tip of his tongue and he could sense ChaCha wouldn't let him say it. 

"But..but they fought like it was no tomorrow," he sighed. "I thought they would somehow make up by chance, but that's not how it works."

"I'm sorry," but he really wasn't. He was glad Corrine was gone. He just hated her control. Didn't War understand people like her, didn't change?

"So did anyone survive?" ChaCha asked how it ended. 

"Somewhere in the heavens, I suppose," War looked to the skies as he spoke of Rin and her twin.

"More like hell," Milo said ever so quietly.

War only chuckled as if he was probably correct. "Oh, she was unloveable," he nodded. "Quite the challenge for an old dude like me, but it doesn't matter. You love them anyway." War did his best to smile about the tragic love of his life who never really gave a damn about him, until now. "She hopes I have better luck with love this time around, but I'm not looking for it." He shook his head, no.


  1. Milo is a really generous, friendly and sincere one.

  2. I loved the chapter

  3. Very well done.

  4. "You love them anyway." Sometimes it's inevitable, I get it. <3

  5. we should be good as human being...
    nice story to read

  6. This brings whole new meaning to War Horse! I just love the end: "War only chuckled as if he was probably correct. "Oh, she was unloveable," he nodded. "Quite the challenge for an old dude like me, but it doesn't matter. You love them anyway." War did his best to smile about the tragic love of his life who never really gave a damn about him, until now. "She hopes I have better luck with love this time around, but I'm not looking for it." He shook his head, no." Throwing "old dude" in with ancient lore and deep, philosophical talk is the kind of contrast I love. Of course, I like the word "dude" in general too. When I was a tween, I used to sometimes call my mom "dude." She hated it!
