Sunday, September 18, 2022

It's on..time to make the magic happen


"I've come to fight," Cheng said as soon as he found Milo all by his lonesome. It was a warm sunny day. The wind was from the north. It was a great setting. It wasn't like they would kick each other off a cliff. Just a golden wave of grass prevailed.

"To fight?" Milo winced as if he'd never heard of such a thing.

"I've been dreaming it for a while now," Cheng was serious. His sword could easily be guided at his fingertips. "You need to fight."

"Fight?" Milo still looked at him as if he'd lost it.

"It's what we do," Cheng explained. "Friend or foe. We fight."

"Are you really a friend or just a foe?" Milo shot back. Why hadn't Cheng asked War to fight him?

"I would be too easy for him," Cheng said about War. "But you, we're on the same playing field."

Milo sighed as if he didn't know what to make of Cheng. Of course, Milo didn't even have his sword. 

"I guess we'll have to do it another day then," Cheng turned away from him, letting the wind blow his hair away from his face. Really, it was a good day to fight. It was best to have nature's obstacles in the way. 

"You're serious about this?" Milo acted as if maybe it was just a ploy of some kind.

"You know, you need me," Cheng didn't know how to simplify it anymore. "We need each other. So we fight."

Milo hugged himself as if it was far from his thoughts at the moment.

"Look, when you take on the beggar's sect, remember, they have their poisons," Cheng told him.

"Poisons?" Milo winced hard as he came closer to Cheng.

"You're only thinking of medicines," Cheng knew. "You best think of the poisons on their swords and how to get the antidotes."

"What would you know?" Milo tilted his head as if Cheng might be full of it.

"They have their masters of poison. How do you think they've survived for so long." They walked then as if they would go back into town. It was as if Milo was out of touch with what these sects were all about. Sure they all had a little martial arts under their belt, but it was so much more. 

"How should we go about this, then?" Milo wanted to know.

"We need to find us a friend, first." Cheng nodded.

"I was thinking exactly, the same thing," Milo told him. Cheng smiled back at him. His sword was now in the sheath on his back. 

"Care to do a little hand-to-hand combat?" Cheng then asked.

"If we must," Milo sighed as if Cheng would not give up. And he wouldn't.


  1. From friends to foes, then friends again! The last lines, as usual, are perfection: ' "If we must," Milo sighed as if Cheng would not give up. And he wouldn't." It seems that Cheng is a force to be reckoned with! I'm interested to know more about this poison.

  2. I loved. it's interesting to see this reflex of always ready for a fight.

  3. I enjoyed the chapter, and the twist at the end was great!
